• Recordings

Tierney Sutton Desire2018-04-16T16:36:40+00:00


Tierney Sutton Band

Tierney Sutton, a leading figure in vocal jazz for nearly a decade, maintains that the obsession with fame and material things – a phenomenon that has been accelerated and amplified in this media-centric new century – is wasted energy. Worse yet, it comes with a dark aspect that can infect the soul. Such is the premise of Desire.

While the songs in this eleven-track set are mostly jazz standards, they are framed by opening and closing tracks that are embellished with lyrics lifted from sacred religious and spiritual texts. “To me, this record is about stepping back and recognizing the difference between the voices we hear that are not our own and the ones that are truly within us,” Sutton explains, “and discovering that the material things that we want or desire are not usually a path to happiness, and are not usually a path to ourselves.”

  1. It’s Only a Paper Moon
  2. My Heart Belongs To Daddy
  3. Long Daddy Green
  4. Fever
  5. It’s All Right With Me
  6. Then I’ll Be Tired of You
  7. Cry Me a River
  8. Love Me or Leave Me
  9. Heart’s Desire
  10. Whatever Lola Wants
  11. Skylark

Tierney Sutton: Vocals
Christian Jacob: Piano
Trey Henry and Kevin Axt: Bass
Ray Brinker: Drums

Grammy Nominee: Best Jazz Vocal Album

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Featured Review

    Desire Review

    With a title like Desire, it seems reasonable to expect an album filled with passionate yearning. Wrong definition. Sutton and her bandmates mean “desire” [...]

    March 2nd, 2018|Reviews|Comments Off on Desire Review