The Jazz Lab – Edmond, OK
April 26, 2019 @ 8:00 pm
| $65.00Tierney Sutton Band
Tierney and the band feature the songs of “Screenplay,” songs featured and inspired by the movies.
After 20 plus years of collaboration that has resulted in 8 Grammy nominations and countless performances in some of the finest venues in the world, the L.A.-based Tierney Sutton Band has set their sights on the wide-ranging panorama of film music. The band gained firsthand experience in this idiom in 2016 when they were tapped by legendary director Clint Eastwood to score his box office hit “Sully”.
Inspired by the powerful combination of music and film, The Tierney Sutton Band returned to the studio and 19 tracks were born, all with the trademark attention to detail that has resulted in a time-tested and proven musical result. “In a sense this is the most organic project we’ve ever done”, says Sutton. The arrangements and Sutton’s readings of the songs are pure Tierney Sutton Band at the height of its powers, subtly illuminating and revolutionizing each classic. The Tierney Sutton Band has chosen to present this creative, new music in a creative, new way. 5 acts, each including 3 to 5 songs, will be released as a digital EP, once a month, beginning in February of 2019. A podcast and other behind-the-scenes material that explore these classic songs and the films that made them so iconic will accompany each of these acts. In June of 2019, a compilation ScreenPlay CD will be released worldwide.